Career Opportunities
Here you can find current job openings, within different industries, in our area. These will be updated monthly. Please click on the links provided to find more information about the job(s) you are interested in, or to apply. KHS and the Career Center are in no way responsible for these listings. Please see our third-party content agreement below before continuing. If you have specific concerns or questions about a job, please contact the hiring manager or company directly. For general questions or assistance filling out a job application, contact Nicole Johnson at
WorkSource - HOT JOBS
The list below includes open positions in Vancouver and Longview - Last updated on May 3rd, 2021.
Other Job Listings
Foster Farms Employee Benefts link is below. You must be 18 years old to apply. For application questions, please contact Marina Pisarchuk at 360-575-4966
Pacific Seafood is now directly hiring local workers for their Woodland facility!! They offer a full range of benefits, medical, dental, 401k, and education reimbursement. They will work with justice involved, excluding violent offenders or outstanding warrants. Drug screening required.
Prairie Electric is currently accepting applications for: Inside Electrical Apprenticeship - Area 1 JATC (Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee)